Die Windsors – Geschichte einer Dynastie
George VI. – König wider Willen

Sa, 22.03.2025 | 02:15 - 03:00
Biografie (GB 2020)
Die Abdankung Edwards VIII. ändert die Thronfolge der Windsors dramatisch: Sein Bruder George, scheu, zurückhaltend und kränkelnd, muss König werden. Und Georg VI. hat zudem ein großes Handicap: Er stottert. Der Rücktritt seines Bruders hat die britische Monarchie in eine tiefe Krise gestürzt. George VI. sucht das Vertrauen seiner Untertanen, während Hitlerdeutschland an der europäischen Ordnung rüttelt und ein neuer Weltkrieg droht. Ist er den großen Anforderungen gewachsen?
- Helena Blackman (Wallis Simpson)
- Cecil Beaton (Self - Photographer)
- Gyles Brandreth (Self - Author & Royal Biographer)
- Piers Brendon (Self - Historian & Biographer)
- Martin Challinor (Edward VIII)
- Artemis Cooper (Self - Granddaughter of Duff Cooper, Friend of Prince Edward)
- Rory Cormac (Self - Historian)
- King Edward Eight (Self)
- Lady Glenconner (Self - Girlfriend of Princess Margaret)
- Georgdie Greig (Self - Grandson of Louis Greig, Friend of George VI)
- Julian Alexander Hardinge (Self - Grandson of the assistant private secretary of George V)
- India Hicks (Self - Granddaughter of a Cousin of Prince Edward)
- Wesley Kerr (Self - Royalty News Reporter)
- Lional Logue (Self - Speech Therapist)
- Mark Logue (Self - Grandson of Lional Logue, Speech Therapist of George VI)
- Laura E. Nym Mayhall (Self - Historian)
- Charlie Metcalfe (Self - Grandson of 'Fruity' Metcalfe, Friend of Prince Edward)
- Roya Nikkhah (Self - Royalty News Reporter)
- Ed Owens (Self - Historian)
- Prudence Penn (Self - Friend of Princess Elizabeth)
- Ted Powell (Self - Biographer)
- Prince Philip (Self - Duke of Edinburgh)
- Queen Elizabeth II (Self - Age 11)
- Rosamund Pike (Narrator)
- Jane Ridley (Self - Historian)
- Chris Roosevelt (Self - Grandson of President Franklin D. Roosevelt)
- Anne Sebber (Self - Biographer)
- Sally Bedell Smith (Self - Biographer)
- Nicholas Soames (Self - Grandson of Sir Winston Churchill)
- Rosie Stancer (Self - Grandniece of Queen Elizabeth)
- FSK 6